Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows

UPDATED: November 15, 2024
PUBLISHED: January 2, 2020

When it comes to achieving your goals, there are a lot of habits that can help drive your success, but one of the most effective is laser-focus. You have to focus on what you love and then speak to that through everything you do.

You never know when the next opportunity is going to rear its head. It could be at the supermarket, it could be at the office. Embrace the passion which lights your heart, and communicate it with everyone around you. And guess what happens? Doors will start to open. Because where focus goes, energy flows.

Richard Janes is an EmmyⓇ winning Personal Brand expert and the founder of Hollywood based digital agency Fanology. His unique approach to personal branding has launched, revived, and catapulted the careers of many actors, athletes, musicians, television hosts, business executives, and entrepreneurs. He takes a holistic view of personal branding, believing that a personal brand can only be successful if implemented through every aspect of a person’s life and that the key to a successful personal brand is its growth from an individual's unique life purpose.

In 2010, Richard became one of Hollywood’s go-to social media pioneers, working to develop online brands for hundreds of celebrities ranging from Larry King to young Disney stars, such as Ashley Tisdale. Through his strategy and insight, his clients have amassed considerable influence in their chosen fields using their unique gifts and abilities to increase personal wealth and live a more authentic life.

After a serious illness, forced was Richard to take stock of his own life. It was then he created a process called the Minimum Viable Person™, a system inspired by Silicon Valley’s minimum viable product. In adopting the MVP lifestyle, a person is able to define their life purpose, set a mission, take a series of low-risk, high-reward steps to implementing their purpose, and then quickly validate the results their new actions are having across all aspects of their life.

When Richard is not coaching his personal brand clients or speaking on stage, Richard is leading Fanology, a full-service digital agency he founded in 2010. With offices in Los Angeles, Dallas, San Francisco and Oklahoma City his award-winning team works with industry-leading brands such as Toyota, Lexus, Microsoft, LiveNation, P&G, and The Special Olympics, to identify their Superfans and help tell their stories, build brand loyalty, and attract more customers to cross over and become the enormously valuable Superfan.

In 2018 Richard and his wife relocated their family from the hustle and bustle of Los Angeles to experience the calmer life of Oklahoma living where they spend their time fishing, riding horses, and enjoying the weather. When not commuting between Fanology’s offices, traveling for speaking engagements, or visiting his personal brand clients, Richard sits on a number of boards and continues to flex his love of storytelling through various writing, directing, and acting projects.


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