The Power of Positive Talking

UPDATED: November 15, 2024
PUBLISHED: March 25, 2020
positive talking

We’ve known about the power of positive thinking for quite some time now. And although it’s incredibly important, the real magic happens when you allow that thinking to change your behavior. You can think about becoming a millionaire, but until you launch and scale a business, it can’t happen. That’s because the missing link between thinking and doing is talking. 

Positive talking is the next level of positive thinking. Until you speak your aspirational thoughts aloud, they will never manifest. 

Years ago, I wanted to move from Atlanta to Orlando to marry a woman I was dating. At the time, I was working in hospitality. I couldn’t find a job and my company was on a hiring freeze, so they couldn’t transfer me to Orlando.

I decided to start thinking positive thoughts. I began telling myself, I am going to move to Orlando and marry this girl.

Then, I took it a step further. On a visit to Orlando, I walked through a new hotel that was still under construction at the time. I began talking to the walls. “I’m going to move to Orlando,” I said. “And I’m going to work in this hotel.” I also told my then-fiancée (now wife) that we would be getting married on October 17 of the following year. I had no idea if I’d be in Orlando by then, but I was using positive talking to propel myself in the right direction.

I went back to Atlanta. One day, I was on a phone call with a senior vice president of the company. He said, “I understand someone has been blocking your move to Orlando. I wanted to let you know we’re going to create a position for you in Orlando.”

My last day in Atlanta was on October 9. I started the new job at the hotel that had been under construction on October 12. And I got married on October 17.

This was all made possible because of the power of positive talking—not just positive thinking.

Positive talking is simple: After you think your positive thought, you have to say it out loud. Then, you have to slowly recalibrate your thinking so that speaking your positive thoughts aloud becomes second nature. By speaking your aspirations, goals and dreams aloud, you’re holding yourself accountable for finding a way to make them a reality. 

Related: How to Appreciate Yourself

This article originally appeared in the March/April 2020 issue of SUCCESS magazine.
Photo by sydney Rae/

Simon T. Bailey

Simon T. Bailey is an international speaker, writer and personal transformation strategist. He is the author of Shift Your Brilliance: Harness the Power of You, Inc., and Be the SPARK: Five Platinum Service Principles for Creating Customers for Life. When he’s not working, he enjoys rooting for the Buffalo Bills (his hometown team).


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