The One Question Athlete-Turned-Podcaster Lewis Howes Asked That Changed His Life

UPDATED: November 15, 2024
PUBLISHED: June 5, 2017
three truth

In his most personal keynote to date, former professional football player Lewis Howes talks about the role that childhood abuse and criminal activity played in his life until he suffered a career-ending injury, and his entire perspective changed.

Related: Lewis Howes on the Most Unique Traits of Great Leaders

Asking one signature question at the end of every podcast episode solidified his own mission in life: “What are your three truths?”

“If it was many years from now, and you”ve accomplished everything you want to accomplish, but you”re on your deathbed and you could only write down the three things you know to be true, what would those three truths be?” —Lewis Howes

Related: Hear more great speakers at the next SUCCESS Live event Sept. 8-9 in Long Beach. Get your tickets here.

Explore more SUCCESS Talks videos by topic on SUCCESS magazine”s YouTube Channel, featuring thought-leaders, authors, entrepreneurs and respected researchers in the fields of human psychology, brain health, relationships and more, who share the tried-and-true tenets of human achievement and success.

Running time: 16:33 mins

Filmed April 2017 at SUCCESS Live in Dallas

Lewis Howes, author of the New York Times best-seller The School of Greatness, believes that how you feel every moment is more important than what you do or what you have. As a lifestyle entrepreneur, high-performance business coach and keynote speaker, he was recognized by President Barack Obama as one of the top 100 entrepreneurs in the country under 30. 



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