Reading List: The Art of the Start 2.0

UPDATED: October 5, 2015
PUBLISHED: April 4, 2015

In the 11 years since the former chief evangelist of Microsoft published the original The Art of the Start, things have changed in startup land. Back then Facebook was in its infancy, Kickstarter was still five years away, and cloud computing was a pie-in-the-sky idea. In this revised, updated and 64-percent-lengthier edition, Kawasaki wisely fleshes out practical basic information (putting together a strong team, pitching investors, managing cash flow, etc.) while adding his insights and guidance on how to use social media, crowdsourcing, cloud computing and other recent developments that have democratized the entrepreneurial and startup process.

Now the chief evangelist (he clearly likes that title) of online design service Canva, Kawasaki offers a feast of helpful information presented in easy-to-digest servings. The Art of the Start 2.0 is an invaluable guide for budding, newly minted, and more seasoned entrepreneurs and small-business owners.

by Guy Kawasaki
March; Portfolio; $29.95

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