Reading List: Rising Strong

UPDATED: October 23, 2015
PUBLISHED: August 15, 2015

In her latest book, the best-selling author of The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly challenges readers to face failure, get up and try again. Rising Strong is a lifelong endeavor with three phases: trying to understand what triggers our emotional responses (The Reckoning), fact-checking and being brutally honest about the stories we tell ourselves and others (The Rumble), and using what we’ve learned to transform our thoughts and beliefs (The Revolution).

Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, backs up her theories with data and research. She also exposes her personal vulnerabilities and fears and reassures readers that, like them, she’s a work in progress. The goal of the process is “to rise from our falls, overcome our mistakes and face hurt in a way that brings more wisdom and wholeheartedness.” Rising Strong isn’t as satisfying or stirring as Brown’s previous books, but it’s hard to resist her sincerity, candor and gentle approach.

by Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW
August; Spiegel & Grau; $27


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