“It’s quite easy to find examples of individuals and organizations that launched radical change because they had to,” write the authors of Reinvention. “It’s a bit more challenging to find examples like Sheikh Rashid of Dubai.”
Rashid, who started planning for the end of Dubai’s oil economy in 1966, merits an entire chapter in Reinvention. He’s only one of the economic superstars highlighted, but his story well-illustrates the central point: Prepare to reinvent yourself before crisis arrives.
Authors Shane Cragun and Kate Sweetman, co-founders of a global management and consulting firm, provide an overview of current thinking on disruption and change. Applied strategically, their principles will greatly benefit managers, entrepreneurs and even ordinary individuals.
Related: 5 Ways to Harness the Power of Disruptive Thinking
By Shane Cragun and Kate Sweetman
July; Greenleaf Book Group Press; $22)
This article originally appeared in the July 2016 issue of SUCCESS magazine.