Reading List: Procrastinate on Purpose

UPDATED: September 27, 2015
PUBLISHED: January 24, 2015

Everything you know about time management is wrong, writes self-discipline strategist Rory Vaden in Procastinate on Purpose.

OK, why? Because time management hinges on logical factors (checklists and calendars) without accounting for the emotional underpinnings (wanting to impress or needing to feel valued) that influence how we choose to spend our time. According to Vaden, the most successful people he’s observed, studied and worked with find ways to “multiply” time. These Multipliers spend time on things today that give them more time (and results) tomorrow.

Multipliers also give themselves certain “permissions”—the permission to ignore, to eliminate, to automate, to delegate, to procrastinate on purpose. While a few of these permissions may sound counterintuitive, Vaden devotes a chapter to each of the permissions, clarifying and explaining how each applies in everyday life both at home and in business. He neatly wraps up each chapter with a handy summary of key points, unexpected findings, startling statistics and action questions.

Despite his sometimes-convoluted analogies, the author offers plenty of solid advice and intriguing alternatives to making the best use of your time.

by Rory Vaden

Perigee Books; $24.95

Learn 8 ways to squeeze the most out of your time.


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