How to Renew Yourself and Get to the Next Level

UPDATED: October 4, 2024
PUBLISHED: January 2, 2019

Q: I feel stuck in a rut. I’m doing fine personally and professionally—but that’s all. Fine. How do I renew myself and get to the next level?

A: Many of the people I coach come to me wanting to become a “new person.” One of the biggest ways I impact their lives is to sit them down and say, “The first thing you need to do is get clear on your values.” So let’s start there.

Most people make the mistake of setting their goals just for what they want to have; however, they forget to include things they want to give, share, experience, and—most importantly—become.

If you want to become a new you and get to the next level, whatever that may mean in your life, a big piece to that puzzle is starting with your values. So what do you value? Make a list of 10 words that represent what you seek to be. Meaningful words, like generousfairjoyful or winner.

Now it’s a little easier. A powerful way to kick-start your quest to live out those words is to think about and answer these questions: Am I the same person I was a year ago, or am I better? If I want to become a better, new me, what goals will I need to achieve?

Identify your goals, study them, and then make sure to invest the time and resources to reach them.

I often ask the people I coach how much money and how much time they’ve invested in the last year to make themselves better. Most people are discouraged when they realize they can’t come up with a good number for either.

So here’s the question you need to ask yourself today: Am I really clear about my values, have I set clear goals, and am I investing both the hours and the dollars it takes to become the new me?

Work to fulfill your values. You’ll get there.

Related: Do Your Actions Reflect Your Values?

Tony Jeary

Tony Jeary is an author, executive coach and presentation strategist. Jeary has published more than three dozen books about making presentations and strategic effectiveness. He coaches the world's top executives from companies such as Wal-Mart, Ford, New York Life and Texaco.


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