Kill Crew is an LA-based fitness and lifestyle clothing company established in 2020 by Colton Dobson and Marco Passaquindici to help Americans face mental health problems.
Every person faces different internal battles that can affect their mental and physical health. Regardless of education, financial status or social background, people have demons they need to fight—and physical exercise is an effective way to harness negative energy. Working out regularly has been shown to improve mental wellness, and that’s why Kill Crew has established gyms throughout the U.S. and offers professional mixed martial art professionals to train individuals in whole-body workouts.
The mind is connected to the rest of the body, and mental health problems can tamper with your body’s normal functioning. When stressed, your body will feel exhausted, lowering the physical strength needed to perform routine work. Kill Crew will help you take care of your mental wellness, which will also help preserve your physical body wellness.
And remember this: You are not alone. Acknowledging the importance of mental health is the first step of a healing journey. Sharing that journey is possible with the support of Kill Crew, which has created an online community of followers to help anyone who is struggling as well as branded clothes available online. The brand’s mantra is to “kill negativity, PTSD, depression, anxiety and all of the battles we face from within,” and it boasts more than 350,000 followers that support its fight against a negative mindset.
Kill Crew’s vision has been endorsed by public figures including Tim the Titman, Travie McCay and Chase Edmonds. You, too, can join the brand’s community of followers to support its mission of promoting mental health.
In 2021, Kill Crew donated thousands of clothes to homeless persons to alleviate their stress. The company has also been donating garments branded with messages that speed recovery from the problem to those suffering from suicidal challenges.
Join the community of Kill Crew to learn how to harness your hostile demons and find the peace you are entitled to enjoy.