The daily stresses of life can wear us down, leaving us feeling overwhelmed or burned out. Studies have shown that gratitude can counteract these negative feelings, and a gratitude journal is a great place to start.
These handy gratitude journal prompts will help you tap into what you’re thankful for, alleviate stress and establish a sustainable daily gratitude routine.

What Is Gratitude Journaling?
Gratitude journaling involves writing down what you’re grateful for. Most people who use gratitude journals write a short entry each day. These daily entries can help you feel grateful for the things in your life—from simple pleasures to complex emotions.
As you work on your journal, you’ll notice gratitude becoming a personality trait. Practicing gratitude can make life easier, prompting you to step back and appreciate the good things. In addition, research suggests gratitude journaling can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep and even benefit heart health.
You can create your journal from scratch or use a gratitude journal template to help you get started. Journal templates typically use daily gratitude prompts to inspire you, and there are plenty of ideas online to get your ideas flowing.
How To Get The Most Out Of Gratitude Journal Prompts
To avoid making this another obligatory item on your to-do list, frame gratitude journaling as a beneficial activity—reminding yourself of the intellectual and emotional value of focusing on the good.
You can use these prompts daily or weekly to help you feel better, less stressed and more appreciative. To get the most out of the gratitude journal prompts in this roundup—and to maximize your journaling time—try these tips:
- Pick a form of journaling you enjoy: You can respond to your gratitude journaling prompt in a traditional notebook, digital app or even a voice recording. Just pick the easiest and most sustainable format for you.
- Choose the right time of day: If you’re a morning person, set your alarm five or 10 minutes earlier. If mornings are crazy or you barely remember your own name before noon, set a reminder on your phone to journal before bed.
- Keep the entries simple: You don’t have to write a novel. Just a couple of sentences may be enough to get your feelings across.
- Be specific: Go beyond listing what you’re thankful for. Identify specific reasons why you’re thankful for someone or something.
- Find gratitude in challenges: If you’ve had a particularly challenging day, try to find something positive to write about.
- Reread your entries: Looking over something you wrote a year ago can help you feel more positive on tough days.
Try These Prompts To Help You Feel Thankful
When writing in your journal, whether daily, weekly or monthly, try some of these prompts to help identify what you feel gratitude for:
Journal Prompts To Help You Feel Gratitude Toward Others
- Which family member or friend inspires you to be a better person? What traits do you wish to emulate?
- Consider the teachers, professors and mentors you’ve had over the years. Which of them are you most thankful for and why?
- Express your gratitude for the people you don’t know but who make your day-to-day life easier.
- Which person in your life is most reliable? Express your gratitude for their presence in your life.
- When was the last time someone expressed thanks to you? What did you do to help them and how did it make you feel?
- List three people who make you feel happy. Make a goal to thank them for that in the next month.
- Think of someone you struggle to connect with or find challenging to be around. Identify three qualities or aspects about them that you genuinely appreciate or admire.
- List several ways you can offer support or brighten the day of a friend, family member or acquaintance who is feeling unwell or going through a tough time.
- If you have a partner or spouse, reflect on their most admirable qualities. If not, consider the traits you value most in a potential partner or close friend.
- Reflect on how the people in your life have influenced your personality, values or outlook over time.
- How has a friend or family member made you smile in the last month?
- Share the best advice you’ve ever received and explain why it has been meaningful or impactful in your life.
- When was the last time you saw or experienced the kindness of a stranger? How did it make you feel?
- Describe the last time someone helped you solve a problem at work or school and why you’re grateful for their assistance.
- Imagine a moment when someone praised you. How did it make you feel?
Journal Prompts To Help You Feel Gratitude For Experiences
- Think back on the past year. What was your happiest memory? What emotions do you experience when recalling that memory?
- What was the highlight of your day today? Why are you grateful for it?
- Think about your favorite travel destination, no matter the distance. What about that place makes you happy?
- Describe a time in your life when you could find a silver lining in the situation around you.
- What are you most looking forward to in the next week?
- Write a paragraph explaining your favorite time of day.
- Name your three favorite times of the year.
- What is something you see every day, but it still brings you joy?
- Think about a new hobby you want to take on. What steps would it take to get started?
- What is a small change you can make immediately that will improve your day tomorrow (going to bed earlier, exercising, eating a balanced meal, etc.)?
Journal Prompts To Help You Feel Gratitude For Things
- List 10 things you are thankful for right now.
- What is your current favorite song? What do you like about it?
- Look at what’s around you right now. Pick an item you’re grateful for and describe why.
- Think about how your favorite book or movie makes you feel, and write why you’re grateful for those feelings.
- How does your favorite holiday make you feel? Describe these feelings in a paragraph or two.
- Describe the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received.
Journal Prompts To Help You Feel Gratitude For Yourself
- What is something you love about your body?
- Describe a time you laughed wholeheartedly and how it felt afterward.
- Explain a time you went out of your comfort zone. How did it help you grow personally?
- List the top three skills you’d like to learn over the next year.
- What is your favorite thing to eat and why?
- What do you consider to be your best skill or trait?
- What are your favorite simple pleasures in life?
- Identify a bad habit you’d like to kick, and list three simple steps to help you succeed.
- Outline your ideal self-care routine in detail and describe how it would help you relax.
- What makes you unique?
- What are some ways you feel you successfully deal with everyday problems, such as running late or stubbing your toe?
- Explain a time when you had to overcome challenges and how it made you stronger.
- What is the one thing that can always improve your mood and make you happy? Is there a way to incorporate it into your life more?
- What’s something in your life that you wouldn’t trade for anything?
- What is your favorite color and why?
- Identify something in your life you often take for granted and ponder how to show more gratitude for it.
- Choose one global issue you’d like to solve and explain why it’s important to you.
Start Reaping The Benefits Of Grateful Reflection
Ready for a new state of mind? Explore how expressing gratitude daily using these prompts can help alleviate stress and improve your outlook. Find a method and frequency that feels sustainable and don’t overthink it. Make a routine of your journaling ritual, let the prompts be your guide and you’ll be well on your way to a more appreciative, happy and fulfilling existence.
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