Health & Wellness
9 Ways to Prevent Burnout at Work When You’re Feeling Stressed
Starting to feel burned out? Nine entrepreneurs who have been there share their tips for how to prevent burnout at work.


5 Ways to Help the Los Angeles Wildfire Victims and First Responders Right Now

Discover 5 impactful ways to support LA wildfire victims and first responders now. Donate, share tips or provide resources to those in need.
A firefighter watches as the fire burns in California

When It Come to Employee Mental Health, These 10 Companies Are Setting the Example

From the workplace environment to the community at large, here are 10 companies that support mental health awareness for their employees.
Coworkers meditating together on the floor before a meeting exemplifying companies that support mental health

Never Broken: How Singer-Songwriter Jewel Became a Mental Health Advocate

Singer-songwriter Jewel is using her voice to break down barriers in the mental space. Learn more in our latest cover story.
Singer songwriter Jewel standing in front of her guitars

Volunteering Can Combat Loneliness and Boost Your Mental Health—Just Consider These 5 Things Before You Start

Did you know volunteering helps mental health? Read our full explainer to learn how, plus five things to consider before donating your time.
Volunteer putting a jacket on an elderly woman in need learning how volunteering helps mental health

AI in Your Kitchen: How Samsung’s Smart Fridges Are Changing Grocery Shopping

Discover how Samsung's smart fridge uses AI to track food, suggest recipes and streamline grocery shopping for a smarter, sustainable kitchen.
Samsung smart fridge in modern kitchen

11 Ways to Change Your Life: Signs You’re On Autopilot & How to Break Free

Discover signs you're living on autopilot and learn how to change your life. Here's how to break free from automatic routines and reclaim control.
absent minded women in autopilot mode. change your life

Buddy Up and Try These 2-Person Yoga Poses

Because two is always better than one.
Buddy Up and Try These 2-Person Yoga Poses

Why Men Don't Like Going to Therapy

Where do you turn when life gets to be too much? For some men, therapy is a relief. For others, it’s not even an option. A November survey of 2,000...
man sitting on a couch and speaking with a therapist

Stress Management Techniques For Each DISC Personality Type

Stress is inevitable in work environments; understanding the four DiSC personality types and how they deal with stress can help you and your team manage it more effectively.
Stressed out woman grabbing her head


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