List your business widely. Don’t stop at the Yellow Pages! Take advantage of the various directories
are free, and some are specific to a single industry, which can help you zero in on your target market.
Do a referral exchange. Get to know other business owners whose services complement your own. Offer to display
their cards/materials
in exchange for the same treatment at their places of business.
Use the press. Write an informative press release and submit it to local publications (both print and online) to
buzz. Just make sure to mention a unique aspect of your business or upcoming event and send it to the appropriate editor.
Comment on blogs that are relevant to your business and post a link to your Web site. Don’t just “sell”
your product (it’s frowned upon); genuinely connect with people on shared interests. They’ll be more likely to
turn to you instead of your competitors when they want something your business provides if you’ve bonded through a conversation.
Become a speaker. Create a thoughtful speech or presentation that offers insight into your industry or practical
and then volunteer your public-speaking services to local clubs, nonprofits and professional organizations. You’ll get
undivided attention and position yourself as an expert.