Choosing a career path is never an easy decision. In those moments, it is helpful to have mentors who see the bigger picture. Colin Boyd has made his career teaching and leading people to do just that. Starting as a life coach, he is now an international motivational speaker who helps others learn how to make their businesses succeed. And through his work with entrepreneurs, Boyd has taken the coaching world by storm with the Conversion Story, his unique approach to storytelling.
Finding his story
Boyd always had an interest in behavioral change and psychology, and he wanted a career that was meaningful. In the beginning of his life coaching journey, he struggled to find what set him apart—as well as committed clients. But everything changed after speaking at his first event. It was through sharing his story and offering a next step that his business expanded. “I booked 12 clients that day and landed a major contract with a large corporation,” Boyd says. “My life was changed.”
It didn’t take long for Boyd to realize the business potential of storytelling. He spent the next few years honing his communication skills and connecting to crowds; he was approached by businesses and entrepreneurs interested in his ability to sell something without being over the top. And that’s how Boyd formed his idea for the Conversion Story, a step-by-step program to sell products effectively and connect with customers.
Telling his story
The key is to tell your story. When Boyd spoke, he talked about his own struggle or journey, connected with the product he was trying to sell and addressed the ideas and goals of the audience. “The key to selling is to connect at a personal and emotional level,” he says.
When presenting a product on stage, Boyd uses and teaches the Infusion Selling method—a blend of speaking and selling simultaneously. The audience is given the product idea at the front end—not the back end. Throughout the presentation, Boyd articulates the value of the product. The audience is able to understand why it is important and relate to the value of it in their lives.
As technology advances and social media grows, consumers are more aware of what is being sold to them. We are a long way from door-to-door salesmen techniques. However, that is why Boyd’s method is so effective. Understanding how emotions can help alter people’s decisions, Boyd has changed the coaching world for the better. It is more than just selling a product—it’s about connecting through your story.
For generations, the history of the world has been passed down through storytellers. To this day, people love hearing stories. And as an audience, they are sophisticated. “People don’t want to be sold anymore,” he says. “They want to feel something. They want a connection to the products and services that they buy.” Throughout his career, he has used this approach to build a thriving seven-figure coaching business.
His story continues
Since moving to the United States from Australia, Boyd has spent his time teaching others how to speak effectively, tell their stories and help their business grow. In addition to finding success in his own entrepreneurial endeavors, Boyd has helped others promote their businesses and find success as well. He has grabbed the attention of listeners through various platforms and he is focused on helping others find success through storytelling. Through his coaching programs and other offers, Boyd is dedicated to helping others leverage the power of their story.