Embrace the Infinite Possibilities for Your Life

UPDATED: June 14, 2016
PUBLISHED: June 14, 2016

This admission will probably summon the men in white suits to bring a straitjacket for me. They will surely throw me into a padded room where, for the rest of my life, I will rock back and forth while singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” to my toenails.

Anyway here goes… OK… [deep breath]… I kind of believe in other dimensions. Like, infinite planes of existence. They’re all sort of floating as bubbles in some vast cosmic sea.

Really. Think about time itself: We live only in the present, right? Not the present as in today, or summer, or 2016, but the present as in this second. This millisecond. This infinitely tiny fraction of a millisecond. And anything can change in a fraction of a millisecond. That is, after all, the scale of time it takes for neurons to fire in the brain, creating a new idea or pushing you to act a certain way—that’s how long it takes to press send on a life-changing email. Or not to press send.

In my weird, wild view of time, our existence is constantly splintering. New, fully formed universes are created when that neuron fires (or doesn’t fire), or that email is either sent or pushed into a drafts folder. The nature of reality changes forever based on something as seemingly innocuous as glancing left instead of right. And all those time vibrations in the huge, huge expanse of space create their own ripples—bubbles upon bubbles, forever and ever.

You and I exist in trillions of different realities at once, some of them undoubtedly more favorable than others based on whether we’ve been bold enough, creative enough or wise enough in the exponential buildup to this very millisecond.


The possibilities for our lives and our world are inarguably endless. That is what I love about creativity.


In the July issue, we celebrate the people who do press send. Our cover guy, Peter Diamandis, is one of the boldest dreamers on the planet—a guy whose neurons have sparked in him the ambition to not only begin the work of colonizing the universe, but the wild idea that humans’ lifespan should not be limited to decades, but centuries. He is working to create our brightest future.

We feature an essay by SUCCESS Associate Editor Jamie Friedlander, who made an excruciating, yet exciting, decision a few months back, when I challenged her to face a fear and give stand-up comedy a try. It was her choice, of course, but in that millisecond when the time came for a verdict, she created a more abundant reality for herself.

We’re welcoming columnist Mel Robbins back into the fold. I know she agrees with me about the power of instantaneous action to create a bigger, better future. This is the idea at the heart of her personal “five-second rule,” which encourages us all to go big now. When a creative idea strikes, explore it now. When you see someone you want to talk to, move toward him now.

So here’s my advice for creating your best life: Dig into this issue now. And twinkle, twinkle, you little star.


This article originally appeared in the July 2016 issue of SUCCESS magazine.

Josh Ellis is the former editor in chief for SUCCESS magazine. Before joining SUCCESS in 2012, he was an accomplished digital and print sportswriter, working for the Dallas Cowboys Star magazine, the team’s gameday program, and DallasCowboys.com. Originally from Longview, Texas, he began writing for his hometown newspaper at 16.


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