Health & Wellness
9 Ways to Prevent Burnout at Work When You’re Feeling Stressed
Starting to feel burned out? Nine entrepreneurs who have been there share their tips for how to prevent burnout at work.


23 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Stressed Out

Are you using your stress or is it using you?

22 Ways to Practice Stillness Within Your Mind, Spirit and Body

Stillness is the art of finding inner peace. It sounds beautiful and wildly difficult, but with practice, patience and dedication, you can reap the benefits.
22 Ways to Practice Stillness Within Your Mind, Spirit and Body

20 Negative Mental Filters That Are Sabotaging Your Thinking

Don't believe everything you think! These are the stealthy mental filters that cause us to think negatively—and how to change your thinking.
man sitting at a table with head in his hands dwelling on negative mental filters

50 Self-Care Tips to Help You Live Your Best Life

Self-care is important for your mental, physical, and emotional health. Browse these self-care ideas and add a few (or all) to your routine.
Happy older couple outdoors doing their self care routine

11 Subtle Signs of Anxiety You Might Not Notice

You could have anxiety and not even know it. Luckily, it’s easy to treat.
11 Subtle Signs of Anxiety You Might Not Notice

14 Science-Backed Reasons to Disconnect Over the Weekend

Boost your mood, creativity and productivity by giving yourself a break.

11 Strategies for Managing Stress

Evaluate your stressors to better cope.
11 Strategies for Managing Stress

14 Entrepreneurs on Their Best Tips for Letting Go of Stress

Learning how to manage stress at work can make all the difference to an entrepreneur’s outlook, productivity and success in business.
woman managing stress at work

13 Ways to Take Care of Yourself Every Day

Don’t get stuck in an unhealthy daily grind. Here’s how to work “me time” into your busy schedule.