Buddy Up and Try These 2-Person Yoga Poses

UPDATED: January 9, 2025
PUBLISHED: July 20, 2017

Pose: Partner forward-fold

Buddy up and Try These 2-Person Yoga Poses

Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings and calms the nervous system

  1. From a seated position facing each other, extend legs out to a wide V-shape with knees facing straight up and soles of the feet touching.
  2. Extend arms toward each other, holding opposite palm to forearm.
  3. Inhale and lengthen up through the spine.
  4. Exhale as one person folds forward from the hips and the other sits back, keeping the spine and arms straight.
  5. Stay in the pose for five to seven breaths.
  6. To come out of the pose, release each other’s arms and bring torsos upright. Repeat in the opposite direction.

Related: 6 Ways Yoga Today Will Make You Better Tomorrow

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Pose: Buddy boat

Buddy up and Try These 2-Person Yoga Poses

Benefits: Increases energy and gently works the core

  1. Find a comfortable seated position facing each other with your knees bent and toes touching. Reach out for your partner’s fingers and hold them snugly.
  2. Begin to walk the soles of the feet together, bringing knees slightly toward the chest.
  3. Using your hold as leverage, lift chests toward each other, straightening your spines as much as possible.
  4. Keeping the spine straight and chest lifted, slowly begin to straighten legs. This is a challenging pose; stay playful and try straightening one leg at a time.
  5. Hold for five to seven breaths, then gently release feet back to the floor.

Related: Get Yourself a Workout Buddy With These 4 Simple Tips

Pose: Back-to-back chair

Buddy up and Try These 2-Person Yoga Poses

Benefits: Strengthens quads and improves posture

  1. Stand with backs touching and link elbows. Feel and match your partner’s breath.
  2. Press against each other’s backs and walk your feet forward, keeping your lower back and spine touching your partner’s, until you’re in a sitting position (no lower than 90 degrees).
  3. Hold the pose for two to three breaths; slowly return to standing.
  4. Carefully rise and lower repeatedly for an added strengthening challenge.

Related: 4 Unconventional Ways to Stay Fit

SheKnows Media is a women’s lifestyle digital media company.


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