Pose: Partner forward-fold
Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings and calms the nervous system
- From a seated position facing each other, extend legs out to a wide V-shape with knees facing straight up and soles of the feet touching.
- Extend arms toward each other, holding opposite palm to forearm.
- Inhale and lengthen up through the spine.
- Exhale as one person folds forward from the hips and the other sits back, keeping the spine and arms straight.
- Stay in the pose for five to seven breaths.
- To come out of the pose, release each other’s arms and bring torsos upright. Repeat in the opposite direction.
Related: 6 Ways Yoga Today Will Make You Better Tomorrow
Pose: Buddy boat
Benefits: Increases energy and gently works the core
- Find a comfortable seated position facing each other with your knees bent and toes touching. Reach out for your partner’s fingers and hold them snugly.
- Begin to walk the soles of the feet together, bringing knees slightly toward the chest.
- Using your hold as leverage, lift chests toward each other, straightening your spines as much as possible.
- Keeping the spine straight and chest lifted, slowly begin to straighten legs. This is a challenging pose; stay playful and try straightening one leg at a time.
- Hold for five to seven breaths, then gently release feet back to the floor.
Related: Get Yourself a Workout Buddy With These 4 Simple Tips
Pose: Back-to-back chair
Benefits: Strengthens quads and improves posture
- Stand with backs touching and link elbows. Feel and match your partner’s breath.
- Press against each other’s backs and walk your feet forward, keeping your lower back and spine touching your partner’s, until you’re in a sitting position (no lower than 90 degrees).
- Hold the pose for two to three breaths; slowly return to standing.
- Carefully rise and lower repeatedly for an added strengthening challenge.
Related: 4 Unconventional Ways to Stay Fit
Photos by Angelique Wetherill
This article originally appeared in the August 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.