The Strategic Leader’s Roadmap, Revised and Updated Edition
ISBN 9781613631218

The Strategic Leader’s Roadmap, Revised and Updated Edition

By Harbir Singh
, Michael Useem

The Strategic Leader’s Roadmap provides an essential playbook for combining business strategy with great leadership.”–William P. Lauder, Executive Chairman, The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.

In The Strategic Leader’s Roadmap, Updated and Revised Edition: 6 Steps for Integrating Leadership and Strategy, Wharton management professors Harbir Singh and Michael Useem offer a six-point checklist for today’s leaders to follow. They explain how leading strategically will help managers strengthen their capacity to develop strategy and to lead its execution. Drawing on one-on-one interviews with CEOs, in-depth research and their experience teaching today’s executives and tomorrow’s leaders, Singh and Useem take readers into the offices–and mindsets–of some of today’s foremost strategic leaders.

In this fully updated and revised edition, Singh and Useem explore: how Indra Nooyi rose to become CEO of PepsiCo and led its successful strategic redirection; how Jack Ma consistently pivoted and outflanked competition to position Alibaba to become a global behemoth; how John Chambers, executive chairman of Cisco Systems, changed his and other company leaders’ leadership to stay ahead of disruption; how Lawrence Culp Jr., the CEO of General Electric, has increased efficiency by up to 900% by undertaking a thorough examination of process and strategy.

Fast-reading and actionable, The Strategic Leader’s Roadmap will enable leaders at all levels to master the abilities necessary to keep their companies ahead of the competition.


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