Stare at your laptop screen all day at work. Endlessly scroll on your phone when you get home. Binge a TV show. Endlessly scroll again until you fall asleep. Does this routine sound familiar? If it does, it might be time to explore the benefits of unplugging from technology.
In our tech-saturated world, hopping from one device to another in an infinite loop is all too common. Technology is often our source of news, income, entertainment and even connection. But, as we now know from studies and research, this relationship can also turn toxic.
Placing too much dependence on technology can take a toll on your mental health. If you feel like you’re falling into this pattern, it might be time for a digital detox. Just like a juice cleanse or food detox helps your body to reset, a digital detox can help your mind to reset. Discover the wealth of benefits that come with taking a break from technology, plus actionable tips to make it happen.
What Is A Digital Detox?
A digital detox is a period of time when someone consciously takes a break from electronics and online platforms including cell phones, computers, tablets, social media and even TVs. This can last anywhere from a couple of hours or a single day to several months. During these windows, time and energy are redirected into other offline endeavors.
Why Is It Important to Take A Break From Technology?
Just why is it so important to unplug from technology? Data from Backlinko shows that in 2024 Americans spent an average of 7 hours and 3 minutes looking at their screens every single day. Dedicating so many hours to apps, messaging or streaming services creates distractions and an information overload. But, the negative consequences of a digital addiction run much deeper than its reputation as a time suck.
Physical Health Issues
The above research in the Journal of Education and Health Promotion explains that excessive screen time can cause physical issues such as eye strain, headaches, sleep disruptions and neck and shoulder pain. It can also lead to social problems such as isolation and loneliness.
Mental Health Challenges
One of the most concerning issues is technology’s impact on mental health–and children are even more susceptible. Studies have found that increased screen time is linked to increased anxiety, depression, mood changes and can even affect our ability to concentrate and learn. Research from Cureus additionally discusses how screen time at a young age can be a detriment to language and cognitive development. If you’re looking for a way to improve your mental health, a digital detox could help.

Key Benefits Of Taking A Break From Technology
In our FOMO (fear of missing out) culture, a digital detox may seem like a challenge. But, the many benefits of unplugging from technology can make the challenge well worth it.
Improved Mental Clarity And Focus
The internet and social media mean nearly endless distractions. These kinds of persistent interruptions hinder our memory function, affect our learning abilities and increase our cognitive load, potentially leading to mental fatigue and reduced productivity.
Eliminating such disturbances allows us to be fully present in what we are doing so we can complete tasks more efficiently. Removing outside noise also makes room for mindfulness. In this new environment, we can focus on developing our own thoughts and opinions rather than feeding off of others.
More Creativity and Better Problem-Solving Abilities
The reduction in screen time has also been linked to enhanced creativity. Without so much attention on technology, our minds have more freedom to explore new ideas, use our imaginations and innovate. We also tend to have more time for creative pursuits in real life. A tech detox can also increase creative thinking and innovation when it comes to problem-solving skills. These are real benefits of unplugging from technology that can help in many aspects of our lives.
Enhanced Well-Being And Reduced Stress
Constant pings, comparing ourselves to others online and even negative feedback are all stress-inducing side effects of social media. Stepping away from the stimulation could bring us back to a level headspace. This was suggested in a 2023 study conducted on young adults. After two weeks of limiting screen time to 30 minutes per day, participants reported increases in sleep quality, positive feelings, productivity and confidence while negative feelings and stress levels were both reduced. The takeaway? You may be able to reduce stress with a digital detox.
Strengthened Relationships
Less screen-to-face time leaves room for more face-to-face time with your partner, friends and family members. This refocused attention without the online world between you can lead to improved communication and stronger bonds as you start to understand each other on a deeper level. Disconnecting from technology also gives you space to be more introspective so you can show up better for the people in your life. A digital detox could help keep your relationships strong.
How to Start A Digital Detox
Are you beginning to feel reliant on your devices? Is your sleep quality suffering? Are you consistently feeling down after scrolling? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, it’s likely time to implement some digital-free time into your schedule. Even once you’ve recognized the benefits of unplugging from technology, you might not know where to start. These tips can help.
Set Clear Intentions
What are you looking to get out of your time sans your phone? Do you want to up your work productivity? Do you wish to put that extra time toward a new hobby or maybe improve your sleep? Taking a break from technology isn’t easy, but setting intentions and figuring out your goals can help. Figure out what your driving factors are and turn it into a SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound) goal. For example, “I will cut back my screen time this month to 30 minutes per day to spend more time with family.”
Start Small With Screen Time Limits
You don’t have to go from 100 to 0. Start with baby steps to reduce your screen time. Use built-in features such as “Digital Wellbeing” for Android and “Screen Time” for iOS devices to monitor and even limit screen time across your applications. Other third-party applications such as Forest, Stay Focused and Offscreen also help you cut out distractions and take tech breaks. If you still find yourself overscrolling, try turning off unnecessary notifications, unfollowing pointless accounts, filtering content or even deleting entire apps that pull you in.
Create Tech-Free Zones And Times
Select spaces in your home, or elsewhere in your life, that are strictly no-electronics areas. This could be your bedroom, office cubicle or friends’ homes. Similarly, this could translate into specific tech-free times. For example, mealtime, the last hour before bed or the first hour in the morning.
Engage In Offline Activities
Without your phone as a crutch, you’ll want to fill your time with other engaging activities. Practice mindfulness with journaling, reading, meditation or yoga. Get your blood pumping by going on walks, hiking, playing sports, strength training or even knocking out housework. Pick up a hobby such as painting, baking or photography. Or, schedule time with friends or family. Some of the most valuable benefits of unplugging from technology might be learning new things or reconnecting with your people.
Make It A Group Detox Or Get Accountability
There are many reasons to take a break from technology, but if you’re struggling to get started, consider inviting some friends or family members to join you. The shared experience might just bring you closer, plus you can cheer each other on. Or, ask someone close to you for accountability to help you stay committed to your digital detox.
Reflect On The Experience & Benefits of Unplugging From Technology
Stay in touch with yourself as you go. Use a journal to track any challenges or changes. Consider impacts on your sleep quality, day-to-day mood, productivity, focus, self-image and relationships. Recognize the benefits of unlpugging from technology you’ve gained. Review areas where you can improve and refine your plan of action accordingly.
Fun Fact: Each year since 2009, people across the globe join in on a day of unplugging. Take part in a sundown-to-sundown technology break as part of the Global Day of Unplugging to kickstart your digital detox.
Protect Your Health With A Digital Detox
Breaking up with your device, for even just a short period of time, can have a positive impact on your well-being. You’ll likely learn more about yourself and open your eyes wider to the world around you. With commitment, consistency, clear boundaries and goals, you can also reap other benefits such as improved sleep and decreased stress. You can also open up your mind to newfound creativity, focus and confidence.
Start small with just a simple reduction in screen time. Replace one hour of scrolling with one hour of reading. Or, download an app to limit distractions and phone usage. Build from there and begin to take note of the changes to your health and mentality.
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