How to Ask for the Things You Need to Succeed

Q: I tend to beat around the bush rather than asking directly for what I need to grow my business. What should I be saying? A: Many people struggle to generate sales because they can’t… quite… seem… to get to the point. They might be direct in other aspects of their lives, but when it comes […]
Need a Fresh Start? Try These 5 Steps to ‘Shift for Good’

Want to make lasting improvements in your life? Here’s a pared-down guide based on the steps in Tory Johnson’s new book, Shift for Good: Simple Changes for Lasting Joy Inside and Out: Related: How To: Change Yourself in Positive Ways Step 1: How fed up are you, really? In other words, are you finally sick of […]
What to Do When You’re Ready for a Career Change

Looking to shift gears at work? These answers to questions from SUCCESS readers can help you make smart professional moves. Q: I want to move up from the clerical staff at the small family-owned business where I currently work. I’m not a good fit there, so I plan to change jobs, but I don’t want to […]
10 Smart Things to Do Before Bed Each Night

Here are the nightly rituals that will allow you to end the day so you’re set up for successful tomorrows.
What to Do Before, During and After Attending a Conference

How can I make the most of the time and money I’m investing in attending conferences? I used to be the girl standing in a corner, my head buried in my phone instead of talking to attendees. Once I committed to introducing myself to at least three people—it didn’t count if they came to me first—I […]
6 Time-Saving Tricks and Tweaks

It’s just me, doing what feels like 500 things a day, all on my own. I’ve figured out how to delegate and drop various tasks, but I still have long lists of stuff to tackle. Are there shortcuts to maximize my time and still enjoy what I love? It’s a universal challenge: getting it all done while feeling […]
Guilt, Be Gone! Try These 3 Ideas to Involve Family in Your Work

➽ I’d feel less guilty about all the hours I devote to my work if I incorporated my family more into my business. How can I do that? I started my first business in 1999 in my bedroom with an AOL email address, dial-up Internet, and my twin babies Emma and Jake at my feet. My kids […]
Make the M Word Less Scary

➽ How do I overcome my fear of losing the sale and instead firmly set prices in line with the value of my products and services? —Mary T., Chicago ➽ A: I often see businesswomen cringe from talking about money and ask for far less than they’re worth, while men tend to be hardwired to ask for what […]
Sitting Is the New Smoking—So Stop Doing It 8 Hours a Day

➽ I saw the Facebook photo you posted of your treadmill desk. Why did you buy one? Can you concentrate and work efficiently while using it? ➽Almost three years ago I committed to adopting a healthier lifestyle, and I lost 62 pounds. In addition to better eating habits, I promised myself to move more, which […]
A No-Nonsense Checklist for Setting Up Shop

➽ I’ve spent a year creating a budget and forecasting sales for a retail shop. Now I’m ready to make it a reality. What should I know about determining my location and launching my dream? ➽ Start by talking to people who have successfully done what you want to do. Chances are that you have a favorite store or […]
Doubtbusters: Erase Self-Limiting Beliefs

Let’s say your child comes to you and explains that he or she wants to run for class president. Would you look your little pride and joy in the eyes and say, “Don’t bother. You’re not that popular, and there are some really cool kids going for that job. There’s no chance you’ll win”? Of […]
3 Ways to Move Past a Setback

Q: Why are so many people whining about their business lives these days? A: They’re not facing up to the hard work needed to solve problems. As I help people with businesses and careers, I hear, “Tory, nothing is working,” “Nobody is getting back to me,” and “What if [blank] doesn’t happen?” My response: Sometimes […]