Rescuing Packages for Good

two people helping each other carry a good360 package

Find out how Romaine Seguin of Good360 aims to bridge the gap between needs and resources by harnessing the potential of package returns.

How to Build Thriving Friendships When You Crave Tons of Alone Time

a group of people smiling and laughing together

Ever wonder why you prefer to stay at home cozying up with a good book while others are enjoying a lively night out on the town? You may be an introvert and/or highly sensitive. More than half of the United States population is introverted and about 30% of the global population are more sensitive than […]

6 Green Employee Benefits Companies Can Offer to Reduce Their Carbon Footprint

a group of smiling employees

Concern over climate change continues to be a pressing issue—and since 2024 has had some of the hottest days on record thus far, more employees are demanding that their workplaces take action. According to a 2023 survey, 73% of American workers are concerned about climate change, and 61% said they want to see their company […]

Climate Protection Could Soon Be Part of Your Employee Benefits Package

a group of people standing together and smiling at one another

From 2018 to 2022, 89 extreme weather events caused more than $1 billion in damage, which averages out to one every three weeks, according to the 2023 U.S. National Climate Assessment report. As the effects of climate change become more widespread—from severe storms, flooding, extreme heat, poor air quality, wildfires and more—business leaders are realizing […]

Has Employee Training Gotten Dull? Use Gamification to Enhance It

a boss speaking to employees who are sitting at a table at their place of work

Employee training can often feel dull and tedious, especially if you are working remotely and doing it in a vacuum. Reading long documents and watching endless lectures on video just isn’t cutting it anymore. Instead, many companies are turning to gamification to spice up professional development. British computer programmer Nick Pelling is credited with coining […]


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