5 Strategies for Dealing With a Bully
Negotiating isn’t about throwing punches. It’s a bout assessing the situation and asserting yourself.
Rob Fazio, Ph.D., has worked with Fortune 500 companies around the globe for more than 15 years. He is the managing partner of OnPoint Advising Inc. and president of the nonprofit Hold the Door for Others, a 9/11 inspired nonprofit that helps people grow through adversity. He created the Motivational Currency Calculator (MCC), which is an assessment of what drives people and how they can better lead. Fazio is the author of Simple Is the New Smart (foreword by Neil Cavuto). He is often sought out to share his point of view on CNN, Fox News Channel and MSNBC, and in Forbes and The CEO Magazine.
Negotiating isn’t about throwing punches. It’s a bout assessing the situation and asserting yourself.
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