3 Brainstorming Techniques to Fuel Your Next Idea

Brainstorming is such an interesting concept, it has spawned variations that seek to improve upon the original idea. That’s a little like the process of brainstorming itself: One good idea begets another and so on.
5 Lessons on How to Make a Successful Career Change

How these people found bliss after dramatic professional shifts
Reading List: The Power of I Am

Changing your mindset and inviting good things into your life can start with the words “I am,” Joel Osteen writes. But it’s the words that follow—positive or negative—that can bring consequences or blessings, says the best-selling author and pastor. “Whatever follows the words ‘I am’ will always come looking for you,” he says. In The […]
We’ve Met the Enemy, and It Is Us

The wind kicked up around twilight. Glancing toward the sky, they wondered whether the storm clouds would catch up to them. They wondered what else was in store and how they’d handle the challenges of the next 24 hours or however long this would last. Rain began to fall as they marched some 10 kilometers […]
Steve Case Hits the Road for His Rise of the Rest Tour

Torrents of rainwater rush down neighborhood streets into intersections and storm drains. A dozen or so people hurry under shared umbrellas behind a salt-and-pepper-haired man in a fleece vest. They funnel into a house along the way. The decibel level rises as they crowd into the narrow living room furnished with a couple of workstations, […]
CreateAthon Teams Pull All-Nighters for Charity

The sound of a ball slamming against concrete reverberates through a darkened office park near Dallas. It’s 4 a.m., the candy corn supply is running low and so is the energy. But not the enthusiasm or commitment. In five hours, the MODassic Marketing team will present the efforts of its all-nighter benefiting three nonprofits. With […]
Why Oprah Gave These 9 Women Standing O-Vations

Kimberly Bryant wasn’t unaccustomed to being the only woman of color in the room—whether it was in college science classes or working as an electrical engineer. When she enrolled her videogame-obsessed daughter in a coding summer camp at Stanford University, she was discouraged to find things hadn’t changed. Her daughter was one of just three […]
Get a Workout While Working

What’s one of the latest must-have accoutrements for the office? Hint: It’s not a desk, computer or chair (well, not exactly). It’s a stability ball used for “active sitting.” Inflatable stability balls have been used for decades by physical therapists and more recently in gyms to help improve posture and balance, and strengthen the body’s […]
The Birth of E-Commerce

Twenty years ago, someone ordered a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and extra cheese at Pizza Hut. Nothing unusual about that, except that the order was placed online in what’s believed to be the first-ever e-commerce transaction. From there, the e-commerce sales industry climbed (and is still climbing) to enormous heights. E-commerce sales in the […]
Why Tony Hsieh Bet Big on Las Vegas

Tony Hsieh, a true visionary and inspiring leader, died on Friday, Nov. 27, 2020. For him, culture was Job No. 1—his philosophy about delivering happiness, to customers and employees—because by getting that right, everything else just worked. In this 2014 cover story for SUCCESS magazine, you can learn more about the former Zappos CEO and […]
Why Is Tony Hsieh Betting $350M on Vegas?

“I think the piece that’s getting missed by the media is how fast this is changing,” says Joe Henriod about downtown Las Vegas. He’s one of many entrepreneurs who have moved here to be part of the emerging tech and small-business hub being built in a formerly depressed area better known for check-cashing businesses and […]
Prepare for Liftoff in 2014!

Get ready for the new year with this to-do list built to help you make your life more productive and positive. 1. Set goals. Take a good look at what you want in life. Have you committed to these goals by purposefully taking steps toward reaching them? 2. Get a mentor. Seek out people with […]