How to Choose the Best College Savings Account

Choosing the best college savings account for your child can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.
How to Experience Luxury in Everyday Life

Not only is the anticipation of an event or splurge just as fun (or sometimes more fun!) than the experience, but having something to look forward to lets us recommit to the rest of our financial goals.
The One Thing You Never Hear About Becoming Wealthy

Thriving often starts with surviving.
How to Say No to Someone Asking for Money

When someone asks to borrow money, we can feel guilty and maybe even ashamed when we don’t immediately say yes—even if giving them money would put us in financial hardship.
How to Get Promoted: 4 Steps to Prepare for the Next Step in Your Career

Use these tips to help you mentally prepare for the next opportunity that comes your way.
Want Financial Security? Prepare for the Worst

Very often, we’re told to “think positive,” which usually means pushing aside any fear or negative emotions with a Pollyanna-ish positivity that doesn’t leave room for the reality of a situation.
7 Ways to Keep Expensive Hobby Costs Down

You may think your photography interest or music festival passion can’t live alongside your responsible adult self that knows investing for the future needs to be one of your top priorities.
Family Ties: How to Disagree Respectfully

You’ve worked hard to make changes in your life, get your finances in order and pay down debt. It would be great to count on support from our friends and family, but that’s not always the case. So how do you keep your cool when someone you love challenges your choices? Rich & REGULAR with […]
Competition in Relationships: How to Know When You’re Crossing the Line

Competition may bring a fair amount of excitement and drive to your life and your relationship. Although playfully keeping track of who does the dishes each night or who can fold the laundry the fastest can be healthy fun, allowing it to overshadow every aspect of your life can be detrimental. Rich & REGULAR with […]
What Is Estate Planning and What Documents Should Be Included in Yours?

Planning for end-of-life care and who will inherit your possessions after your death is not a fun task, but it is vitally important to make sure your wishes are honored.
How to Talk to Your Aging Parents About Money

Talking to your parents about their finances can be a difficult moment in an adult child’s life. What should be a straightforward and practical discussion about numbers is often clouded with emotions and memories. It’s essential to have these discussions before a tragic event occurs; however, broaching the subject can be tricky. Rich & REGULAR […]
Building Wealth Starts with Courage

Financial discovery brought us closer than ever.