The Golden Rules of Money

We all have taboos about money that make us uncomfortable discussing certain subjects, like how much we make, what we paid for our house or car, or how our investment portfolio is doing. Although the etiquette around discussing money is changing, many social cues tell us to avoid talking about the ups and downs of […]
How to Choose a Robo-Advisor

Robo-advisors are gaining in popularity, with about 3.5 million people using them as of 2021 and 5 million people estimated to be using them by 2025. Robo-advisors work by using algorithms proprietary to each company. They can be great tools for the beginning investor since they respond to market fluctuations in real time with portfolio […]
How to Let Go of Regret

Regrets are something that everyone will encounter in life, but trying to avoid them often causes additional problems. While having regrets is normal and not something to be ashamed of, it’s vital that regrets don’t run your life or prevent you from making intelligent decisions for your future. Rich & REGULAR with Kiersten and Julien […]
How to Deal With Success Guilt

Unpacking guilt can be complex and time-consuming. It makes sense that we’d feel guilty for actions in the past before we knew better or when we were different people. Sometimes, though, we have guilt for something we haven’t done or things that should be positives in our lives, like earning more money or getting a […]
Don’t Let Shame Around Money Rule Your Life: How to Heal It

Whether you’re in debt or trying to climb your way out of debt, shame can be a paralyzing influence that keeps you from making progress toward your goals and creating a better life. Knowing the difference between shame and guilt can be confusing because so many of us hold both of them when it comes […]
How to Teach Your Kids About Credit Cards

On the surface, credit cards seem pretty straightforward: You use your card to purchase items and then pay the balance at the end of the month. But as many of us have learned the hard way, using credit can be all too easy, and you can go into debt quickly. While many parents teach their […]
How Do You Break Up with a Mentor?

Searching for a mentor often takes a lot of energy. You don’t connect with just anyone, and you want to find the right person to help you reach your goals and get you to the next rung on your career ladder. But, as you grow and gain perspective, you may find that the advice you […]
How to Find Meaning Outside of Your Job

You are hardworking and dedicated, but sometimes it feels like you don’t get much from your life outside of your job. It can be tough to find your true self when it feels like you’re always working. Finding meaning outside of work can be tricky: Sometimes our work identities feel like the only sure things […]
Renovating Your Home? Think Like a Project Manager to Stay in Budget

Listen to this week’s episode of the rich & REGULAR podcast about frugal house flipping and continue reading below for ways to think like a project manager and help get your renovation off on the right foot.
3 Ways to Avoid Overspending During the Holidays

It’s OK to have a merry little Christmas this year.
3 Keys to Successful Investing

You hear investing advice about how to time the market or make big gains before an inevitable market drop, but that information isn’t usually beneficial to the average long-term investor. You want to do what’s right, but with so much contradictory advice coming at you, you might be making decisions out of fear instead of […]
How to Protect Yourself from Online Scams

If you’ve felt like the number of scammy emails coming through your inbox has risen in the last year, you’re not alone. The FBI’s 2020 Internet Crime Report states that there were 300,000 more internet crimes (phishing, non-payment/non-delivery scams or extortion) complaints in 2020 than in 2019. While it’s relatively easy to avoid the more […]