Do You Have to Be Passionate About Your Job?

Passion sounds like an important attribute to have in the workplace and is often the word job candidates use to signal that they’re enthusiastic and willing to go the extra mile.
What Is Media Literacy and How Can You Improve Yours?

Spotting false information online has become more complex, especially as people get their primary news information from social media and the internet.
Protect Your Assets: How to Find the Right Homeowners Insurance for You

Listen to this week’s episode of the rich & REGULAR podcast about protecting your most valuable asset, and consider the following when you’re shopping for homeowners insurance.
How Emotional Intelligence Can Improve Your Work Life

Research tells us that intelligence is not fixed, and working to improve your emotional intelligence can help you understand yourself and grow your capacity for empathy.
How a To-Don’t List Can Help You Achieve Your Goals

If you tend to get sucked into social media when you are meant to be working on a project, or find yourself distracted from your financial plan by chasing every shiny new investment opportunity, a to-don’t list might be a helpful way to avoid the things that drain you of time and energy.
Use Mindfulness to Transform Your Financial Well-Being

Listen to this week’s episode of the rich & REGULAR podcast about building habits and continue reading for ways to incorporate mindfulness into your financial life.
Moving While Working Remotely

Listen to this week’s episode of the rich & REGULAR podcast and keep reading for some practical points to factor into your moving plans.
Use Due Diligence to Make Investing Easier

Ways to Invest Outside of the Stock Market
Tech Literacy Is Crucial to Financial Security—Here’s How to Educate Loved Ones with Kindness

Although we often think of older people needing the most help with technology, it’s also true that there are people who grew up without the same advantages and access that others had. Try to remember that someone asking for help shouldn’t be made the butt of a joke, but instead applauded for stepping out of their comfort zone.
Eat Better on a Budget

If you’re anything like us, you make New Year’s resolutions like eating better and saving money with a lot of enthusiasm and follow them diligently for a couple of weeks. Then real life happens, and the resolution fades away. But eating well for less money doesn’t have to be intimidating—it can be a habit you […]
When Considering Your Investment Strategy, Keep These 3 Rules in Mind

How do you stay focused amidst a barrage of buzzy new investments and potentially life-changing opportunities?
Build Better Habits to Reach Your 2022 Financial Goals

As the new year approaches, it’s tempting to think about all of the ways you’re going to overhaul your life and make this “your year.” But before you go all out changing every aspect of your life, remember that trying to focus on more than one thing at a time can waste a lot of […]