Dave Ramsey on Life’s Lessons Hard Earned

Dave Ramsey on Life’s Lessons Hard Earned

You can wander into debt but you can’t wander out. So says Dave Ramsey, the immensely popular radio talk show host, best-selling author, nationally syndicated newspaper columnist and personal finance expert. Creating financial peace of mind takes dedication and getting brutally honest with yourself. In this interview with SUCCESS Editor-in-Chief Josh Ellis, Ramsey details the dangers of debt, the difference between money and wealth, and why smart personal finance is only 20 percent knowledge and 80 percent behavior.

Joshua Becker on Living a Minimalist Life

On a typical Saturday nearly nine years ago, Joshua Becker spent most of the day cleaning out the garage. In that moment, it occurred to him that his possessions weren’t making him happy, but actually keeping him from experiences that do bring happiness. Becker and Ellis talk about why we purchase new and bigger things to find happiness, finding what really brings us joy and fulfillment and how to simplify our lives down to the basics.

Tim Ferriss on Turning Knowledge Into Action

Author of the best-seller The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris has met with and interviewed some of the biggest names in business, sports and entertainment. His mission is to learn from the world’s greatest achievers and share their wisdom to help you live your best life. In his newest book, Tools of Titans, Ferriss shares the secrets he’s collected throughout the years and breaks down what it means to be healthy, wealthy and wise. He joins SUCCESS Editor-in-Chief Josh Ellis to chat about the book, building resilience and why we are often the biggest obstacles to our own success.

Margie Warrell on Making Your Mark

What do you do when you feel stuck? Margie Warrell, fear expert and author of Make Your Mark: A Guidebook for the Bravehearted, says we often have all of the answers to life’s big questions. Sometimes we just need time and reflection to bring those answers to light. SUCCESS Editor-in-Chief Josh Ellis and Warrell discuss living bravely, finding your passion and making a deep assessment of your current goals.

Mark Manson on the Subtle Art of Not Giving an “Eff”

In a hyper-connected world measured in likes and retweets, Mark Manson swims upstream. The author and blogger writers “self-help for people who hate self-help.” In this brutally honest interview with SUCCESS Editor-in-Chief Josh Ellis, Manson explains why we need to stop trying to be happy all of the time. Instead embrace failure, rejection and insecurities, because there is no such thing as life without struggle or suffering.


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