John C. Maxwell: Take the ‘Cult’ Out of Culture

Remember the last time you experienced a professional failure or setback? Of course you do. What went wrong? Was your strategy flawed? Did you miscalculate costs? Did the client suddenly bail on you? Did a vendor let you down? What if the thing you think created the problem was only a symptom of another, deeper […]
John C. Maxwell: 10 Actions to Help Your Team Accept Change

Early in my career, I took over a volunteer-driven organization that had been led by the same man for 27 years. I respected the previous leader and admired a lot of the things he did. But I knew that I was a different person and needed to do some things my own way. I recognized that the […]
John C. Maxwell: How to Carve Out Your Life’s Passion

Follow these tips and wake up excited to start your day, every day—because life is too short to be bored.
John C. Maxwell: The 3 Things I Know to Be True

“I would rather have it said ‘He lived usefully’ than ‘He died rich.’” —Ben Franklin More than just words, it was how Ben Franklin lived his life. Instead of seeing success in terms of how much money he could make, Franklin saw it in terms of how many people he could help. To him, being […]
John C. Maxwell: 4 Ways to Help Your Team Surge Forward

Perhaps you wouldn’t be surprised to know that a locomotive traveling 55 mph could crash right through a 5-foot-thick steel-reinforced concrete wall without stopping. But do you realize that the same train, starting from a stationary position, wouldn’t be able to roll over an inch-thick block placed in front of its driving wheel? There’s an important […]
John C. Maxwell: It Only Takes 6 Steps to Change Your Life

You can change your life if you really want to. You can improve it, make it better. And it all starts with changing the way you think.
John C. Maxwell: 5 Tips to Unlock Your Potential

How would your life change if you suddenly had $100 million? What would you do with the money? Stumped? You’re not the only one. In September J.J. Watt, a 25-year-old lineman for the Houston Texans, became the highest-paid defensive player in National Football League history when he signed a $100 million contract extension. Afterward, a friend suggested […]
John C. Maxwell: 5 Reasons Why Dreams Don’t Take Flight

Recognize the things that trap our dreams—and overcome them.
John C. Maxwell: The New ABCs of Loving Your Job

People who want to retire so they can sit under a coconut tree watching the grass grow are baffling to leadership expert John C. Maxwell. “We were created for meaningful work, and one of life’s greatest pleasures is the satisfaction of a job well done.” And still, there are millions of people who don’t like […]
John C. Maxwell: Create Opportunity

When opportunity knocks, will you answer the door… and hold it open for others?