Expand Your Leadership Limits by Applying the Law of the Lid

If you can get a handle on the Law of the Lid, you will see the incredible impact of leadership on every aspect of your life.
How Finding Your Calling Changes Everything

Find your true calling by reading this special excerpt from ‘Leadershift,’ the new book by John C. Maxwell.
Why Leaders Must Give More Than They Take

When you give of yourself, you keep the power in your relationships. Just know when to stop.
How Moral Authority Makes Leaders Better

Moral authority is truly the highest level of leadership influence.
Make These 5 Trade-Offs for a Brighter Future

Stepping into a brighter future means saying goodbye to the old way you did things. Be prepared.
3 Ways to Improve Your Self-Image

Your self-image dictates what you will become. When you look in the mirror, strive to value the person staring back at you.
4 Big Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

Skip the devastation of failure and rise above these common mistakes.
Why Gratitude Makes You a Better Leader

‘The greatest show of gratitude comes from nurturing other people’s development.’
4 Habits of Emotionally Strong Leaders

Sometimes it takes a little tough love.
4 Tips to Set Yourself Up for a Better Tomorrow Today

How to focus on the now.
Do These 5 Things to Make Winning a Habit

Because chance will only take you so far.
3 Keys to Getting Motivated When You Feel Stuck

Working toward greatness is a process. And it comes with a price.