Stop Feeling Guilty About Work-Life Balance

3 tips for making the most of time with those you love best
How To: Build New Leaders

A little mentoring can go a long way.
How To: Take a Year Off

‘If you feel like you need a break, a new perspective on your life, take a step back, make a plan and remember: Anything is possible.’
How To: Balance Life and Work

4 tips to manage your priorities and make time for what matters most to you
How to Nurture Personal Development at Work

Want to improve your employees’ motivation and dedication? Try encouraging their personal development at work with these easy tips from business owners.
How To: Make Your Business Socially Responsible

Follow these 5 tips to create an effective social responsbility mission for your company.
How To: Change Yourself in Positive Ways

Change is hard. Really hard. You know because you have a bad habit or 20 that you’ve tried to quit: smoking, overeating, saying negative things to your spouse, exceeding your budget. Research shows that people, in general, experience extreme difficulty changing a single habit. Consider: Seventy percent of borrowers who take out home equity loans […]
How To: Change Your Relationship With Money

Only in the past few years have I realized what financial freedom truly means to me: enough money to pay for my basic needs (including fun), plus enough in the bank to float my family in case of an emergency, and savings for the future. More important, it means I am in control of my money—where […]
How To: Resolve Conflicts at Work

Nasty emails flying back and forth. Death stares in the break room. Steely tension in meetings. Side-taking. Tattle-taling. Sabotaging. This is the stuff of employee conflicts. “Every day—from piddling office bickering to full-out wars—disagreements between colleagues happen,” says Hank Boyer, president of consulting firm Boyer Management Group. While interpersonal disagreements may be normal, they’re also […]
How To: Become a Crowdfunding Success Story

While news outlets love to headline with rock-star crowdfunding successes—like Pebble Time watch, which raised a record $1 million in 49 minutes (and more than $20 million at presstime), and the Coolest Cooler, which has brought in more than $13 million—there are untold failures, too. Consider the statistics from the granddaddy of crowdfunding platforms, Kickstarter. […]
How To: Ask Friends and Family to Help Finance Your Business

Before borrowing money from a friend, it’s best to decide which you need most. With bank loans tough to get and credit-card debt unattractive, this American proverb can ring true with many entrepreneurs in need of startup financing. But asking friends and family for a loan or investment can actually be a great way to […]
How To: Leave Behind Your Day Job & Go Solo

One of the toughest decisions budding entrepreneurs face is when to set out on their own, full time. Leaving behind the reliable paycheck and benefits of your day job and dedicating all your energy to growing a business is a decision that requires planning, hustle, soul-searching and financial savvy. But experts don’t agree on a magic formula […]