Laid Off Before the Holidays? You Can Still Make the Season Bright

a mother and her two children sitting near a fireplace

I’ve experienced four layoffs in mid-November over the past decade—two of mine and two of my husband’s—perfectly timed to put a damper on the holiday season. Tidings of joy were replaced by woe and dread, yet we somehow had to muster a cheery disposition for the sake of our children and for all those we […]

7 Thoughtful Hostess Gifts That Will Get You Invited Back

A woman greets another with a hug and gives her a gift.

The holiday season is a nonstop flurry of events, from family gatherings to dinner at the boss’s house. It’s always in good taste to arrive with a gift to show your appreciation for your host’s efforts and your gratitude for being invited to the occasion. Unless you’re giving a highly individualized gift to someone you […]

The Five Hour Club: Redefining Flexibility for Working Parents

mom and dad smiling at their baby boy

Any parent who has taken extended time off work to raise their kids knows that trying to return to the workforce is a daunting task. Applications are met with questions about gaps on their resume—and if parents aren’t overlooked or rejected and do eventually get hired, the logistical nightmare of who picks up the kids […]

5 Benefits of Having Dogs at Work

young woman working on laptop with small dog at work on lap

Discover how having dogs at work boosts employee well-being and company morale. Read on to learn why pets are important in the workplace.


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