Why Men Don’t Like Going to Therapy

man sitting on a couch and speaking with a therapist

Where do you turn when life gets to be too much? For some men, therapy is a relief. For others, it’s not even an option. A November survey of 2,000 American men from Talker Research, on behalf of Talk Space, analyzed male friendship and mental health. Researchers found that 58% of men had never been […]

How to Lead, Think and Build Influence Like Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell

He has been named one of TIME’s 100 most influential people. He has five New York Times bestsellers. But it wasn’t by accident. Malcolm Gladwell is intentionally leading the way on building influence, a topic he deconstructed for listeners in a recent LinkedIn workshop.  While many business owners could only dream of this type of […]

A Day in the Life of a Freelancer

a woman using a pen to write in a notebook

From the young age of 6, I wanted to be a writer. I honed my craft in a tiny purple journal with a kitten on the cover. Each entry started with “Dear Darla”—the name of the journal, of course. While I had the habits of a writer down pat, I didn’t expect the path forward […]


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