Austin Fine: A Digital Marketing Gen-Z Guru


PUBLISHED: October 22, 2022
Austin Fine: A Digital Marketing Gen-Z Guru

If you’ve ever sat in front of your computer and wondered who makes money online, then you could be thinking about Austin Fine. He is one of many Gen-Z entrepreneurs doing just that. He has found success through digital marketing, with the majority of his revenue coming from social media marketing.

Fine formed a marketing company, Fin Corp, at the age of 15. Within 3 years, with help from his marketing friends, he reached his first million.

Breaking down this success, you have to recall how much attention you had for any work when you were 15. Were you interested in doing your homework or learning how a marketing platform worked? Odds are you were watching TV, playing games or gazing deeply into the inside of a chip bag.

Fine’s ambitions reach beyond that. He plans to grow Fin Corp and utilize the tangible assets and tools at his fingertips. This go-getter is aiming to be one of Forbes 30 under 30 billionaire entrepreneurs by the age of 20—which would be in two years.

Warren Buffett of Berkshire Hathaway, one of the most successful businessmen in history, said making his first million was the hardest thing to do successfully. Perhaps if Buffett was part of Gen-Z, he would have been much like Fine and made it much earlier than his mid-thirties.

When he’s not trailblazing the digital marketing industry for his generation, Fine helps at his local animal shelters, getting them much-needed food and toys and making them feel wanted. He believes money doesn’t make a man but helping others will make him rich.

To inspire us to feel like we need to do more, Fine also helps find high-value furniture among his friends and takes it to local charity shops. He knows that charity shops are a pillar of the community and that high-value items keep the lights on. Unfortunately, low-value items, while free, don’t create a good enough margin to make the business, in many cases, viable. Yet these businesses support good causes and help the less fortunate to make use of items no longer wanted. One of Fine’s passions is keeping these businesses going and helping the causes they support.

Currently, Fine is making Fin Corp a larger company, marketing to potential clients to gain more business and generating more content and intellectual property to generate more sales. In the next couple of years, it’s expected that this business will be highly automated, allowing Fine to find other revenue-generating business opportunities to help accelerate his wealth generation.

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