What do you do when the goals no longer align with the effort? You change direction.
Mike Evans, founder of GrubHub, did just that. After years of running one of the most renowned food delivery services, Evans left the company, took a bike ride across the country and pivoted in an entirely new direction. In this episode, he tells Brilliant Thoughts host Tristan Ahumada why we shouldn’t be ashamed to quit and how to define what success means to us.
Progress didn’t come easily to Evans, at least not at the beginning. GrubHub may have filled a unique niche, but to successfully build the company he had to learn sales and get restaurants on board with the first iteration of the website, which began as a delivery guide. Now, the Fixer founder and author discusses the story behind the founding and running of GrubHub, the necessity of intentionality and the importance of being an empathetic human and leader.
Brilliant Thoughts with Tristan Ahumada is no longer releasing new episodes on the SUCCESS Podcast Network, but you can still listen to the full conversation below.