Success Is Joy

UPDATED: September 10, 2024
PUBLISHED: December 26, 2019

“What is the point of success if you’re miserable or you’re not prioritizing your values?”

When it comes to the meaning of success, a lot of words come to mind—stability, prosperity, achievement and more—but what would success be without joy?

Joy is one of the most important values that success should be founded upon. If you aren’t happy while you’re attempting to achieve your goals, then you’ll lose the fulfillment of success all together.

So as you’re working to achieve your own version of success, remember to stay true to your values and to find the joy in whatever it is that you are doing. If you do that, you might be surprised at the results.

Leanne Jacobs is an international speaker specializing in holistic wealth creation, energy management and sustainable leadership.

She is the author of BEAUTIFUL MONEY (Penguin Random House) and the founder of HealthyGirl. Leanne is also a certified yoga and pilates instructor, as well as a clinical nutritionist and a passionate advocate for holistic wealth, wellness and entrepreneurship.

She is a former sales and marketing executive working with L'Oreal, DuPont, Nike, and Johnson & Johnson. She is regularly featured in the media and has appeared in: Forbes, Entrepreneur, The Dr. Oz Show, Success, Fox, Glamour, Marie-Claire, Women's Health and the Jenny McCarthy Show.

Leanne has her B.Sc in Biomedical Toxicology as well as her MBA.


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