How to Get Outside of Your Own Head?

UPDATED: November 13, 2024
PUBLISHED: February 11, 2017

Poet. Philosopher. Futurist. Jason Silva not only defies but transcends all easy labeling.

He is the Emmy-nominated host of Brain Games, the highest rated show in Nat Geo’s history. A modern-day performance philosopher and filmmaker, his work is not just viewed, but experienced. You have to let him crawl inside your mind, clear the cobwebs and paint on the walls of your brain like an artistic cave dweller showing a vision of the world not as it is but as it could be.


You have to let him crawl inside your mind, clear the cobwebs and paint on the walls of your brain like an artistic cave dweller.


He spins ideas into a magical tapestry of intellectual ecstasy, like an Ibiza DJ in the height of their powers. And his poetic cosmological musings smash together Shakespearian drama with Sagan-esque profundity like the Hadron Collider smashes particles, resulting in the same degree of revelatory fireworks.

But what makes Jason so special is his ability to look at the deepest problems that we face as a species and deconstruct them to make them accessible to people.

I had the opportunity to interview Jason for my show Impact Theory, and it is by far one of my all-time favorites. In the episode, we dive into the beauty of ideas, existential dread, living forever, movies and so much more.

In this clip, Jason talks about his early struggles with anxiety and suggests the antidote lies in hacking our brains to reach the ecstatic state of no-mind known as flow.

Watch the full interview on Impact Theory.

Tom Bilyeu is the co-founder of 2014 Inc. 500 company Quest Nutrition—a unicorn startup valued at over $1 billion—and the co-founder and host of Impact Theory. Tom’s mission is the creation of empowering media-based IP and the acceleration of mission-based businesses. Personally driven to help people develop the skills they will need to improve themselves and the world, Tom is intent to use commerce to address the dual pandemics of physical and mental malnourishment.

Tom regularly inspires audiences of entrepreneurs, change makers and thought leaders at some of the most prestigious conferences and seminars around the world, including Abundance 360, A-fest and Freedom Fast Lane. Tom has also been a guest on The Tony Robbins podcast and The School of Greatness podcast and has been featured in Forbes, Inc., SUCCESS and The Huffington Post. Tom is currently on the Innovation Board of the XPRIZE Foundation.


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