Why Kendra Scott’s Secret Weapon Is Mentors

UPDATED: December 17, 2016
PUBLISHED: December 17, 2016

“Every single day I wake up and I’m running a company bigger than it was the night before,” Kendra Scott says, “which is a pretty phenomenal thing, right?” But at every stage, no matter how much her company has grown, the founder of jewelry behemoth Kendra Scott Design is looking to other people who have been there and done that.

Related: Meet Kendra Scott, Homemade Millionaire


“I think for entrepreneurs to ask for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s an incredible sign of strength.”


Mentors are incredibly important,” she says. Despite being 100 percent owner of her company, which she bootstrapped from the beginning, Scott still created an advisory board in the early days. “I wanted to have a sounding board and bring people in who had run successful businesses. I think for entrepreneurs to ask for help is not a sign of weakness; it’s an incredible sign of strength.”

Of the numerous mentors Scott says have helped her through the years, a couple stand out. From a young age, she looked to her aunt, who was a department store fashion director. Steve Hicks, founder of the company that was a predecessor of iHeart Media, is another powerful mentor for her.

Scott emphasizes that mentors don’t have to come from your industry. “It really is just people who you admire, respect and look up to. I’m always looking for new mentors and asking people, ‘Hey, if you were in my shoes, what would you do?’ It’s pretty amazing what you can get from that.”

Related: 8 Ways to Create a Killer Relationship With Your Mentors


Kendra Scott was featured on the April 2016 cover of SUCCESS magazine. Read the story here: Meet Kendra Scott, Homemade Millionaire

This article originally appeared in the January 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.

Amy Anderson is the former senior editor of SUCCESS magazine, an Emmy Award-winning writer and founder of Anderson Content Consulting. She helps experts, coaches, consultants and entrepreneurs to discover their truth, write with confidence, and share their stories so they can transform their past into hope for others. Learn more at AmyKAnderson.com and on Facebook.


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