At 25, Daniel Lubetzky left his promising but unfulfilling Wall Street legal career to enter the world of entrepreneurship. His goal: to launch a company based on a concept that he believed “could change the world” by creating opportunities for economic cooperation between people in conflict.
Fired up with purpose and principle, he created his “not-only-for-profit” company that would build bridges in conflict areas while producing exceptional products.
Things didn’t quite go as planned. Around Mother’s Day in 1994, he found himself in a vest-pocket-size New York City apartment stuffed from floor to ceiling with Dead Sea bath salts and mud soaps, waiting for orders that never came. He didn’t make a single sale. Lubetzky took that and other disappointments in stride and kept moving forward, always following his gut and fending off naysayers. He survived and later founded —now a very successful brand.
Lubetzky divulges all—the ups and downs, near misses, mistakes and pitfalls to avoid—while telling an immensely readable and well-written story in.
by Daniel Lubetzky
March; Ballantine Books; $26