Reading List: Leadership Transformed

UPDATED: July 17, 2013
PUBLISHED: July 17, 2013

Expanding on his 2011 Harvard Business Review article, Peter Fuda, D.B.A., founder of The Alignment Partnership management consulting firm, digs deeper into the characteristics, motivations, and personal and professional goals that elevate ordinary managers into extraordinary leaders in this manual on transformative leadership. Through lengthy interviews and conversations with seven CEO clients, Fuda isolated traits shared by all his subjects and reframed them into memorable metaphors including: Fire (motivational force), Snowball (accountability and momentum), Coach (support and feedback), Mask (authenticity) and Movie (self-reflection). In Leadership Transformed, Fuda devotes one chapter to each metaphor, explaining its meaning and application, using examples of clients whose leadership style, struggles and success illustrate the metaphor. Translating these metaphors into substantive change isn’t easy, Fuda stresses. It requires humility and a willingness to understand how others view you. But Fuda says the payoff can be life-changing. The book will provide you the information to transform yourself, your team and your business as a whole.


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