Health & Wellness
9 Ways to Prevent Burnout at Work When You’re Feeling Stressed
Starting to feel burned out? Nine entrepreneurs who have been there share their tips for how to prevent burnout at work.


7 Easy Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

Daily germ exposure is a fact of nature. Keep your immune system in optimal shape by incorporating these daily habits into your life.
Woman cutting fruit

How To Maintain Work-Life Balance When Self-Employed: Tips & Tactics

Learn how to maintain a work-life balance when self-employed. Get tips for scheduling, prioritizing, setting boundaries and practicing self-care.
young woman doing yoga lotus pose to meditation and relax on couch during work

Digital Detox 101: Benefits of Unplugging From Technology & How to Get Started

Stare at your laptop screen all day at work. Endlessly scroll on your phone when you get home. Binge a TV show. Endlessly scroll again until you fall asleep. Does...
a woman sitting on a chair and reading a book

The Transformative Power of Boundaries and How to Create Them to Benefit Your Life

Boundaries. What comes up for you upon reading this word? For some, it is an eye roll, thinking of the proselytizing often akin to Instagram influencers in the self-help space....
Anne M. Appel, M.A. reading a book

Psychologists Share Tips on How to Cope After a Natural Disaster

Discover expert advice on coping after a natural disaster, including handling grief, fostering connection and building emotional resilience.
Man and his wife owners, checking burned and ruined of their house and yard after fire

Dry January Benefits: The Effects Of Taking A Break From Alcohol

Participating in Dry January’s monthlong break from alcohol offers physical, mental and social benefits, while introducing you to a sober-curious lifestyle.
Wine glass with water and sign saying "Dry January"

Steppin App Blocks Your Social Media Scroll Until You Go for a Stroll

Break free from screen addiction with Steppin, the app that locks social media until you hit your daily steps.
A man takes a walk in the forest in springtime

FDA Bans the Use of Red 3 Dye in Food, Beverages and Medication

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has announced a nationwide ban on Red 3, a synthetic dye that has been linked to cancer in animal studies. This decision marks...

How Meditation Can Improve Your Focus And Productivity

Learn how meditation improves focus, reduces stress, and enhances productivity. Discover tips for incorporating meditation into daily routines.
A woman meditates on a desk chair. Papers fly around her.


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